Exam troubles? We’ve got your back!

(Click here to access an PDF that you can print out up to A2 size and use in whichever way you want. Oh, and this week we’ve also got one in isiXhosa! Click here to get it.)

How soon is it until matric finals start again? Pretty soon, right?

We’ve been having a lot of requests for posters to help outlets advertise our wonderful matric exam packs in the run-up to this year’s finals, so we thought we’d send out one that any outlet can use to advertise in-store or out. (The gap at the bottom is for your logo/address/whatever you want.) This poster is optimised to be printed at A2 size, but, of course, can be printed at A3, A4, A5 or anything else you wish.

Oh, and in case you’re looking for them, click here for full lists of our comprehensive packs of matric past papers for NSC languages and NSC non-languages.

(If you’d like to see any additions or changes to outlet posters in the future, why not e-mail us at team@paperight.com?)

To sign up to our fortnightly outlet newsletter – featuring the best Paperight content and news, as well as posters for your outlet – simply sign up by clicking here!