Paperight wins at the O’Reilly Tools of Change Startup Showcase!

winner-badgeGreat news! Paperight has been named as one of two judges’ picks at the O’Reilly Tools of Change Startup Showcase, held in New York City on Wednesday the 13th.

We were fortunate enough to be chosen as the “Most Entrepreneurial” startup out of the ten competing finalists this year. We were the only startup from outside of North America and Europe participating in the finals of this year’s event, and it feels wonderful to win in a competition chock-full with cutting-edge innovators and innovations. It’s made our year – and that year has only just begun.

We would also love to extend our congratulations to the other two winners from the showcase were real-time visualisation developers CartoDB (“Most Commercial” winners) and children’s publishers Borne Digital (audience’s choice), both from the United States. Keep it up – you do amazing work!

If you’d like to find out more about the competition, held in the middle of what’s probably the world’s most influential publishing technology conference, Tools of Change, you can see our pre-competiton interview with Kat Meyer on the TOC blog here.

So, to the judges, our fellow finalists, and everybody who helps us keep on helping us bring every book within walking distance of every home – thank you, thank you, thank you.